Islamic Center of Baton Rouge (Naasif Hassan)
ICBR Youth Basketball
Service Hours: 3 Hours
This month I went to an event at the Community Center for muslims to train the youth in basketball to run drills on October 18th. Me and my friend Zain Aslam who is an undergraduate student at Tulane in the pre-medical route needed community service, and we decided to attend the event. This event was hosted by the ICBR (Islamic Center of Baton Rouge) league and required multiple people with experience playing competitive basketball to train young adults. The event is meant to bring the youth and the community together to enjoy something we all share passion with. Attending Tulane's Pharmacology program has taught me to be a leader in my free time in tasks outside the classroom and be a role model for the community. This opportunity allowed me to meet young and inspired children in Baton Rouge who all have a hunger to achieve in getting a higher education. In Baton Rouge, most of the Muslim community lives in underserved areas, and for people such as myself, Zain Aslam, and Yousef Mosleh, this allowed us to be leaders within the community. All three of us have the same ambitions and are in different stages in our lives but all have the same goal which is pursuing a medical degree. This allowed us to reconnect and share our experiences such as mine being in the masters program and Yousef's experiences as an MS1 at LSU Shreveport Health Sciences. Connecting with the youth felt great because it reminded me of myself and my experience as a young learner. It was a wonderful, heartwarming opportunity that allowed me to reflect on myself and to keep pursuing to be the best version of myself for Tulane and the community.

Contact information for founder of ICBR: Yousef Mosleh (225)-400-5189
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